Please note that protection is out of the question until you prepare all the documents, so try to complete all the papers as soon as possible, primarily the abstract, buy essay papers.
The main reason for arrests for writing is plagiarism in the paper itself. In general, English papers are checked for duplication using the Turnitin International version of the detection system. The detection principle of Turnitin is to compare the similarity between user-uploaded manuscripts and Turnitin’s massive cloud database and web pages and quickly obtain similarity scores. Generally, professional writing agencies such as Essaymint will attach a free Turnitin test report because the content of the articles of these agencies is original so that they can stand the test.
If the paper is not plagiarized, the school may also suspect the paper for the following reasons:
The language style of the paper varies too much.
The language level is inconsistent with the student’s level.
The student does not use the class material or cannot answer the questions posed by the professor.
The defense of a dissertation is much more severe than the defense of a thesis. It takes place at a meeting of a special dissertation council; reviewers, opponents, and other enemies participate in it. Doctorate applicants do not have supervisors but consultants. For the dissertation, a leading – another (non-native) academic institution should, as it were, control the integrity of the defense.
First of all, even before you enter graduate school, you should familiarize yourself with the written and, especially, unwritten rules of the academic game, accepted in the place where you are going to defend yourself. It must be borne in mind that these rules are different not only for different institutions but also for different faculties within these institutions and even for different departments within these faculties.
Without undue effort, in another place, no matter how much you pay and no matter how you arrange the defense procedure, you will never defend yourself if you do not adequately support the position of the department on this or that issue with your dissertation. For example, today, between the departments of the humanities faculties, there is a division of new prestigious titles and specializations, which provide an opportunity for additional earnings (business law, economic sociology, philosophy of law, anthropology, legal psychology, etc.), and under this division teacher (scientists are all still!) are trying to bring an ideological and theoretical justification. So, your dissertation must undoubtedly be part of this justification and will receive the most ardent support. I must say that the department’s position can be not only mercantile in nature. Some departments have been rallying around specific theories for decades and can bite off the head of anyone who questions their achievements. Therefore, when trying to defend yourself somewhere, consider what theoretical and methodological positions prevail in your department so that, God forbid, you do not accidentally go against them.
In any case, one way or another, you must fit into the department (laboratory, etc.) – psychologically, financially, and ideologically, since this is the main factor in your success.
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All this should occur against the background of more or less intensive preparation of the dissertation text and related communication with the supervisor.
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The special requirements for a dissertation are almost exclusively formal. The title page of the dissertation should indicate, among other things, the number and name of the specialty.
Further, in dissertations, the Introduction is exceptionally strictly regulated. It should specifically highlight such sections as “the topic of the work” (what, in fact, you are going to write about), “the relevance of the topic” (why your work is urgently needed right now), “the degree of development of the topic” (meaning a review of the literature on the topic), “goal of the work” (why are you doing all this), “tasks” (what problems do you need to solve in order to achieve the goal), “object of research” (what, what phenomenon or event attracts your research attention), “subject research” (what needs to be studied in this phenomenon or event), “methodology” (how are you going to solve the tasks), “theoretical foundations” (what principles are you guided by in your work – materialistic, positivist, Freudian, etc.), “structure of the work” (what parts your text consists of), “practical significance work” (is it possible to use the results of your research in practice and how), “approbation of work” (if you have already somehow implemented your achievements in life, tell us about it). The Introduction is the most important and most readable part of the dissertation. It is by the Introduction, in this case, that the text as a whole is judged.
In addition, the dissertation author’s publications should be indicated in the Introduction. The dissertation student is obliged to publish in some scientific journal. Such a publication is the dissertation’s most significant and successful part.
A draft version of the text – the so-called “brick” is given to the supervisor for reading. You can defend yourself without having a leader, but this is undesirable because there will be no one to intercede for you in any friction or conflict. All leader’s remarks must be unconditionally fulfilled so that he admits you to the pre-defense. In principle, you can go to the pre-defense without his approval, which is undesirable since scientific support is vital. “Brick” does not have to contain the total volume of the intended dissertation. There are cases when the pre-defense was successfully passed even in a third of the proposed text.
During the pre-defense procedure, the reviewers, as it were, warn you about all the shortcomings of your work so that you can correct them before the defense. The doctoral thesis goes through two pre-defenses.
After receiving the general approval of the supervisor, you should distribute copies of the latest version of the dissertation to the reviewers. There are two or three reviewers; they are appointed from among the teachers of the department. The text is best given to them personally in their own hands. Reviewers must have read your dissertation by the pre-defended time. Officially, they have to give you written reviews ten days before, but this is rare, and in any case, you should not insist on the exact observance of formalities.
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Pre-defense (discussion of the thesis) begins with your short speech, in which you must tell the entire department what your thesis is about and why it is good. Then you will be asked a couple of “tricky” questions, which often contain hints of the need for cooperation (of course, mutually beneficial). It is necessary to speak and answer briefly and confidently, in no case allowing even a shadow of slack.
In reviews (written or oral), an assessment of the content of your text is given, from which an unambiguous and motivated conclusion should follow – to recommend or not recommend this dissertation for defense. A positive assessment gives official and paid monthly leave (and the extension of the hostel for those who need it); a negative assessment deprives you of these benefits.
Then the reviewers take turns speaking. As a rule, they play the role of rioters to show their scientific viability. Still, this game is rarely dangerous: after destroying a dissertation and humiliating you in every possible way, you are still condescendingly and with many reservations recommended (unless, of course, you violated any of the conditions mentioned above). The final speech of the supervisor usually plays the mitigating role.
If your text was not recommended, then you can still try to defend yourself, but you are unlikely to succeed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that they are still recommended. To do this, it is necessary (in the case of negative ratings) to talk privately with each reviewer to find their conditions and, if possible, fulfill them.
The decision to recommend or not to recommend should be taken by open vote. Still, the department usually trusts the reviewers’ opinions, who, in turn, also listen to each other and very rarely disagree in their final assessments.
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The decision to recommend or not to recommend should be taken by open vote. Still, the department usually trusts the reviewers’ opinions, who, in turn, also listen to each other and very rarely disagree in their final assessments.
The decision is recorded in the official “Minutes of the department meeting.” If you suddenly need something, you can get it from the laboratory assistant as a certified extract from this protocol.
When a favorable decision is made, it is necessary to stipulate the term of protection. Suppose you have passed all the postgraduate, applicant, and candidate examinations and submitted the dissertation’s text. In that case, you can defend yourself within three years from the date of the pre-defense. But it is better to do it quickly so that you are not forgotten and do not have to do all the work to fool the teachers again.
In the interval between pre-defense and defense, which usually lasts at least a month, you have to do a lot of work, perhaps much more important than the one you put into writing the dissertation. First, you should submit an abstract (see below). Secondly, you should collect a bunch of documents:
1) applicant’s application (1 copy);
2) a personal record sheet with a photograph, certified at the place of work (2 copies);
3) a certified copy of the document on higher or postgraduate education (1 copy);
4) certificate of passing candidate (1 copy);
5) recommendation of the supervisor (2 copies);
6) the conclusion of the organization where the dissertation was carried out, to which the applicant was attached (1 copy);
7) reference of the leading organization (2 copies);
8) reviews of two opponents (2 copies each);
9) dissertation (7 copies) – for yourself, for a researcher, for two opponents, for the RSL, for a leading organization, for the library of your institution;
10) postcards (4 copies) with stamps (two of them must indicate the address of the applicant, on the other two – the address of the council where the dissertation is being defended; on the reverse side of the cards with the address of the council in the upper corner, the surname, name, patronymic of the applicant are indicated and the degree for which he is applying);
11) the text of the speech at the defense in the form of a report (15-20 pages, one copy);
12) leading publications on the topic of the dissertation;
13) abstract (about 100 copies).
Opponents are appointed from among the members of the dissertation council in your specialty. They can be not only from another department but from another faculty and even from another institution.
In most reviews, as a rule, the dissertation writer has to write himself. He brings the person who was supposed to write a review of his draft, designed as it should, and he either signs it or makes claims that the dissertator must make for the review to be signed.
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