More and more people are interested in reading a good novel, be it romance, police or some other genre. If you are thinking of writing, novels are an excellent option. But to reach this growing audience, it is very important that you follow some basic suggestions. They will prevent it from happening to you like other writers, who finish the novel, publish it, but do not capture the interest of the readers.
What can you do to write a successful novel? What things should you avoid? The answers to these questions will surely be very helpful and will help you not only write the novel, but also make it a success.
Tips for writing a successful novel
There are some steps you need to take before you even start writing your novel. Although they may seem somewhat boring or unnecessary, in the end you will realize that they are essential for the novel to be popular and accepted. Let’s see below 10 keys to achieve it.
Planning is the first step to success. There is a quote in the bible that expresses this idea better than anyone, it says something like: the advantage will depend on good planning. Now, what does it mean to plan your novel?
Planning the novel is more than just thinking about writing it, in this step you must analyze what the title of the novel will be, the time and place, what is the objective you are looking for when writing it and, the most relevant step of all, investigate all the necessary details.
One of the things that easily discourage a reader is the lack of veracity in the writing. This means that if you are going to write about a doctor and a medical procedure, you should thoroughly research that topic so that the related details are accurate.
How many genres of novels are there? Well, the truth is a lot. From romance, suspense, etc. So, before starting the writing process, you need to define well what your genre will be. Of course, you don’t have to be strict, because if throughout the writing you notice that you can add details related to other genres, you can do so. Even if you later want to change it completely, that is also valid.
But, if you already have a clear idea before writing about the type of novel you want, it will be easier for you to develop some ideas and, at the same time, fit the characters into the events. Defining the genre much before or at the beginning can have its advantages for you:
- One of them is that it prevented your novel from taking a new direction or deviating from exploring new alternatives, from those you originally wanted.
- Although it is also recommended, that you do not completely rule out the other possible directions, even if they do not coincide with the main genre. Often including new alternatives and making them work within the initial plan could make your novel a masterpiece.
- The second advantage is that you could market it before it is completed, in order to promote it, only if you have an active platform with enough followers who can read you.
- For the last reason, it will help you to know how the plot will be, for example, you could have a double romance and fiction or a suspense.
The public is the one who will decide if your novel is worth it or not. That is why you should do a thorough study of your potential readers. Find out what they like and what they don’t. For example, gender, time, among other details. This evaluation will give you great tips on what to write and what to skip. You can be sure that if you take your audience into account, they will do the same with your novel.
You can do it through a blog and social networks where it is specified that you are a writer. Little by little, you will ask your children what kind of books they usually read and what they like best about them. Thus, you will know the genre that they prefer the most, in addition to the characters, the plot, etc.
Every novel must comply with 3 basic steps, Introduction, Body and Conclusion. That is something that you surely already knew, but it is an essential step that you know in advance how you are going to develop each one of them. This way, you can develop the main idea throughout the novel and keep the reader immersed and interested in the story.
- Beginning: Describe the events of each character and what triggers the subsequent events.
- Medium: The medium of the book is essential because change is generated. The story takes a turn, the main character shows signs of evolution. Both of these things will help you define your novel.
- Ending: The end of the story can be determined when you know where the plot is going.
Writing a novel requires a method, especially if it will be long. There are several writing methods, but you should choose the one that best suits you. What’s more, you can do a combination of the methods that already exist.
When we talk about method, we mean how you will work the novel. Do you prefer to write as ideas arise and leave editing for when the work is finished? Or, are you one of those who writes and corrects at the same time? Do you think it’s better to make an index and stick to it? They are all valid, so you can try them until you find the one that works best for you.
- Snowflake: it is the most used. It mainly consists of creating a summary and adapting it little by little to adjust it during writing.
- Create a previous summary: It has to do with writing the plot before developing the writing and following it to the letter until it is ready. The advantage is that you will not get lost, because you will have it as a guide.
- Edit during development: It means writing and modifying at the same time. It will basically consist of writing a draft, which will later serve as a guide for the final novel.
- SOTP: It refers to writing without previously organizing. Many writers use it when they know how it will end, but have no interest in developing a great story.
Among the writing methods, making a map or summary stands out. This facilitates the work of writing because it allows you to know from the beginning everything related to the novel. For example, you will know which characters are involved, as well as all their actions, the reasons why something is done or not, and the complete plot until its end.
However, you must take care that all the aforementioned points are met without losing the naturalness in the wording. It is true that the reader wants to know and understand the plot, but what interests him most are the characters and their story, do not leave that aside.
Now we will refer to the location in general. Whether you decide to set the novel in the real world, or in a world full of fantasy, it is important that you take natural laws into account, especially physics.
Nothing distracts, or even disgusts, a reader more than seeing errors of this type. So when you talk about events, make sure it’s something possible within the framework you’ve chosen to write about.
The reader wants to know everything, or as much as possible about their characters, especially the main ones such as the protagonist and the antagonist. That is why you must develop them in such a way that you can please your audience. And of course, avoid contradictions regarding the personality of each one, unless it is on purpose.
Just as in real life we change over time due to all the things that happen to us, in the novel each of the characters must undergo changes. Of course, these changes must be little by little.
This evolution is what allows the reader to become more interested in the novel, since he can identify with a character. If they don’t evolve, the story will seem unbelievable and it will hardly sustain interest until the end.
Once all the previous steps have been taken, it is time to decide to act. It is true that starting can be difficult, but you can be sure that if you are determined to start, the rest will be easier. Moreover, although the entire writing process is difficult, you will see the fruit of your labor when you have the finished work.
If you want to get good results, the first thing you must do is maintain strict discipline with yourself. It can be difficult if you don’t have anyone pressuring you to write or finish the novel. But if you make a schedule and try your best to stick to it, you can do it. You may even finish writing a successful novel in no time.